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Exciting News!!!!

I'm happy to announce a new site dedicated to politics; the safeguarding of your rights and freedoms in these turbulent times.

I look forward to seeing you on the new site soon!!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lord Monckton Would Be Proud

As the Democrats begin to push the Cap and Trade legislation further along, and as the Copenhagen Summit on Climate Change rapidly approaches, I wanted to show you a real life look at the human contribution of CO2--y'know, the greenhouse gas Al Gore claims is going to destroy our planet--done in a way that even my 6 year old son can understand.

And while my 6 year old can understand this, can Al Gore and the leftist eco-fanatics comprehend the ramifications presented here.

I think you will find this very interesting--whether you believe in global warming or not.

We are being greatly mislead by the people fighting for Climate Justice--and this fight could cost each American family over $3000 per year in extra taxes if we lose.

More to come . . .

Monday, November 9, 2009

President Hypocracy

The past few days have been a full out assault on freedom, and freedom has taken a major blow to the head with the Congressional passage of the monstrosity of a health care bill. It's nice to know that our government, in all of its wisdom and splendor, now have the ability to fine and arrest citizens of this nation if they choose not to participate. This bill is a direct frontal attack on freedom, and is being celebrated only by those who wish to take away freedom and replace it with government oversight and regulation of your life.

I've been sitting on the sidelines, waiting for more information to make its way into the public before commenting on the massacre at Fort Hood last week--and now it's time to say a few things about the startling revelations that are beginning to emerge.

If you could, I would like you to watch this clip and think back to the controversy early this summer involving Henry Gates, a prominent black professor, and his arrest for disorderly conduct. Notice the Obama reaction made without any knowledge of the event as he rushed to defend his friend and demonize the police force.

The same evening of the Fort Hood tragedy, Obama gave a speech in which he started by giving "shout outs" to friends and donors before bothering to address the unfolding situation in Texas. Shortsighted, and not the actions of a leader.

Then, the next day, Obama said we should not "rush to judgement" about Major Nidal Malik; the Muslim who committed this despicable act.

Wait---don't rush to judgement on Major Malik?


Isn't this the man who screamed "alla akbar" as he started shooting into the crowd of unarmed solders?

Isn't this the same man who attended the same radical mosque as the 9/11 attackers?

Isn't' this the same man who condemned the war as an attack on Muslims, and who used his position as a staff psychiatrist to argue with solders return from war about the morality of fighting against Muslims?

Isn't this the same man who hired an attorney in an attempt to shirk his duty, after the military had paid nearly a million dollars for his education, by suing the Army in an attempt to avoid overseas deployment?


ABC News is now reporting the FBI was aware that Hasan had been attempting to contact Al-Qaeda for the past 5 months . . .

Are you kidding me?!??

And Barrack Obama wants us, the American people, to wait before rushing to judgement about this man and his motives?!?

Barrack Obama is not fit to lead this nation. He has proven this fact time and time again with his utter lack of good judgement and his favoritism towards many anti-American actions and institutions. He has proven it through the legislation he supports, and the agendas of his administration.

But it's perfectly okay for Obama to use reverse racism, slander a local police force, and do that without any relevant facts to the case--but Americans are too irresponsible, and shouldn't rush to judgement on a man responsible for the calculated, planned murder of 14 of our service members?

Not rushing to judgement, I would conclude that Barack Obama is lacking in the foundations of judgement. This man, our elected president, is so off base on so many issues it's very concerning--he is so wrapped up in the idea of social justice and fighting for those he believes are oppressed.

The truth of the matter is Henry Gates should have been arrested for his actions, and that the police officer--after giving Gates several warnings--did the only reasonable thing a well trained officer of the law could do in that circumstance--and Obama, jumping to ill-informed conclusions, was flat out wrong in his basic assumptions.

The truth is that Hadin acted as a terrorist, tried to contact Al-Qaeda, and was known for his radical beliefs and for voicing those beliefs to several in the Army. This was not just the actions of a man who was disgruntled and crazy--no, this was the planned attack of a terrorist who hated America based on his fundamental religious views.

And, yet again, Barack "Barry" Husein Obama is wrong.

Have we seen enough from this man yet?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Voltaire and the Awakening of America

One of my favorite quotes of all time actually comes from a Frenchman, if you can believe it. I guess even the most ridiculous of countries can produce a man of strong character, strong values, and with beliefs steeped in freedom from time to time.

You will most likely never see me quote another Frenchman in my life--so this is unique and special--but the ideas expressed by Voltaire in this simple passage convey so much meaning relevant to our current political temperature.

He said:

"So long as the people do not care to exercise their freedom,
those who wish to tyrannize will do so;
for tyrants are active and ardent,
and will devote themselves in the name of any number of gods,
religious and otherwise,
to put shackles upon sleeping men."

America has been asleep for a long time now, and we are starting to see the rustling of wakefulness happening across this nation. People are starting to arise, to shake away the cobwebs of dream, and look out the window to see a country changed from the one they knew upon laying down for the night.

For, as we slumbered, a thief waltzed into our midst; stealing and plundering the coffers of freedom and liberty while we nestled under the blankets and dreamed our dreams.

Awakening can be stark and alarming, and as America stumbles from bed to find that the landscape has changed into a figment of our very nightmares, that alarm is ever so slowly transforming to outrage, fear--and determination.

Determination to fight against the transgressions of corruption and tyranny. Determination to secure the blessings bestowed upon our nation, the rights to freedom and liberty, for our children and for prosperity. The determination to reject those in Washington, too immoral and corrupt, to keep in place as the guardians of our future--and of our now.

Make no mistake, this awakening is still in it's begin stage. Soon, contrary to the wishes of those radicals in Washington intent on transforming this nation into a European clone of socialism, the tidal wave of righteousness will sweep across this land once again--washing away anyone who dares attempt to shackle this nation and it's citizens. For what they don't understand--what they never will understand--is that individuality, and the ability to determine ones own destination, flows within the very lifeblood of this citizenry.

The fires of freedom and liberty are dim, but that flame will not be extinguished so long as The People continue to awake, continue to arise, and continue to recognize the truth through all the deception our leaders are directing toward this nation.

The enemies of freedom have worked in darkness; building their plans, laying down the foundation, plotting and scheming---and we arise now to find those plans are being enacted right before our very eyes. We awaken to find their grimy hands coiled around the neck of freedom, clinching more tightly with each passing second--and we can linger in comfort and solitude no longer. For the very fate and future of a nation baptised in personal liberty and justice is in grave danger.

Awake and rise---for freedom needs you now. No man, woman, or child, who values freedom can sit on the sidelines any longer.

Awake and rise.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A Not-So-Subtle Reminder From Which We Came

I don't know how many of you had the pleasure to watch the HBO mini-series John Adams, and for some reason tonight my thoughts drifted back to this powerful and well-done series.

I wanted to pass along a couple of quick clips from the movie--key points, key ideals, and key moments in the foundation of our counrty as they were given by one of it's true architechts. Take a moment to watch the following pieces, and let the message--so powerful and stirring--just wash over you for a few minutes, and remember all of those who have sacrificed so much so that we may prosper.

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This next clip is from the scene of the Second Continental Congress in the summer of 1776, as the inevitability of war with Britain looms near.

And lastly, this is Adams in France explaining to the French why he hasn't yet attended the opera. To me, this was one of the most polarizing moments of the series.


Answering Reader Emails

I wanted to take a quick moment and answer a few emails sent to me by readers--if you have any questions, suggestions, or issues please always feel free to contact me, and I look forward to hearing from everybody out there.

The first question, or issue, I wanted to address is about the content of this blog.

I created this blog as a forum to examine all of the events; political, social, economic, and environmental, that are creating a danger to the lives of every American. Lately, the content has been mostly of a political nature, and that is due to the fact that we are facing such a unique, and frightening, era in American politics.

The rights guaranteed every American by our Constitution are under assault in ways they have never been before, and due to this factor I've dedicated a great amount of time to try and bring reads up to date with the things really going on, the things you will not hear about from the mainstream media, that could change your life and alter the course of our country.

I believe our very way of life is at great risk, and the greatest danger is in Washington. Our Constitution, the greatest political document every created, is being undermined and purposely subverted by those in power for their own personal and political gain.

Issues such as the Health Care Reform Bill, the Stimulus Package, and the Climate Change/Energy/Global Warming legislation, are all arrows being shot at the very heart of freedom and liberty--and worse, the people in power tasked with protecting our liberty and freedom are the very same ones who are looking to expand our government and expand political control over your private life.

Our country is at a true cross-roads, and the believers in Marxism and Socialism hold the power. If America continues to sleep--and I do believe we are slowly awakening--it will soon be too late to preserve the foundations of beliefs and values that have permitted us to enjoy a life of freedom.

Event in the political spectrum, both nationally and globally, are moving at such a rapid pace--and it seems like every single day we are awakening to new threats on our freedom and way of life, and that is why I have been so dedicated to following the current political events.

Next, I've been contacted by several readers asking if I could help them put a plan together in case we do face some sort of emergency, on a national or local basis, to ensure their safety and ability to survive an extended event of some sort.

Now, to the fun stuff.

I've been contacted by a few readers interested in hiring me to put together a plan for providing safety and security for themselves and their families in case we do experience a time where the general public will be forced to fend for itself.

So, in light of the need for such a service, I'm happy to announce that I will be opening a Consulting Service in conjunction with this site. This service will be dedicated to providing you the readers with the best options for ensuring your preparation in case of some type of collapse in our current systems.

I will be offering several levels of Consultation; from written checklists and plans, to phone consultations, to working on-site with people to create strategies and to procure equipment and goods.

Also, I will be able to provide my customers with discounted rates at several national and on-line retailers for goods and equipment. More will be announced on this later.

The goal is to provide you with options--options for your freedom, options for your safety, and options for your survival. We've witnessed events of this nature in the recent years with Hurricane Katrina, the mid-west Blackout of 2008, and various other events--the key to getting through these events is to be prepared to provide for yourself for a certain amount of time, to provide for your safety, and the ability to help others less fortunate then yourself.

I will be posting more about the Consulting Service in the next few days, but due to the fact I will only have time to work with a limited number of people, please feel free to contact me via email if you are interested. Each plan will be customly generated to fit your situation, your budget, and your level of comfort.

I'm very excited to offer this service, and I look forward to working with many of you in the future.

More to come soon---

Don't leave your future in the hands of our government--take responsiblity for your own life, and do it now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

An Important Message about the Health Care Reform Bill

I'm not very familiar with Republican Mike Pence, but he really hits it on the head in this video--urging all Americans to rise up and let their voices be heard so that our freedoms may stand in the face of this attempt to subvert the Free Market System.

And this answer from Rush Limbaugh about government health care reform cuts through all the static and gets to the core issue of this debate--our freedom.

The very issue of freedom--your right to choose, your right to determine the course of your life, and your right to have a life free from government intrusion--is at stake this week. Don't wait to act.

Don't wait to act.

More Evidence of the Marxist Agenda

I don't know how long this video will last on here simply because it turns my stomach to have anything regarding Rev. Wright near me--but it's important that everybody watches this.

Is it possible that Barack and Michelle Obama could sit in this mans church for the past twenty years without finding an agreement in principal with the Marxist, Socialist, America-hating ideology this man expounds with so much fervor?

The evidence against Barack Obama is overwhelming--this man does not have Americas best interest in his heart, in his policy, or in his vision for the future of this country.

From Van Jones, to Mark Lloyd, to nearly every single post and position in and around this man, the stink of socialism and Marxism fills the air with its noxious aroma. Barack Obama is a dangerous man, and as long as he is sitting in the Oval Office this country will be at risk.

Please contact your local representatives in Washington this week and make sure they know America doesn't want government health care! America doesn't' want the redistribution of wealth! America will not tolerate the continued trampling of our Constitution!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My New Idol---Lord Monckton Issues a Challenge to Al Gore

Al Gore will not answer questions unless they have been pre-screened and approved by his staff--so do you think he'll actually take on the man who has the scientific knowledge and abundance of hard scientific data to put the final nail in the Global Warming debate?

I would love nothing better then to see a debate between these two, but I have a feeling Al Gore might have some prior commitments that could hinder this from happening . . .

Come on out, Al--time to play.

A Quick Example of Obamanomics at Work

It's scary because it's true . . .

The Real Danger To Our Constitution

Slowly but surely, as the carefully crafted public facades begin to crumble, the true faces of the enemies to our country are beginning to emerge and take shape.

Make no mistake--our country, our Constitution, our very way of life in America are all in perhaps the greatest peril they have ever faced. And, as those faces become clearer, the true nature of the threat to freedom and liberty is the very people we as a nation have placed in the positions of power reserved for those tasked with the purpose of defending our country, our Constitution.

The evidence is overwhelming, and anybody who chooses to ignore the past associations, the books, the academic papers, the speeches, and the actions with which these enemies of freedom have dedicated their entire lives--those people are opting for the path of ignorance, denial, or stubbornly refusing to admit they were too short-sighted to heed the warning signs. Admitting that ones own beliefs are wrong and misguided, and standing firm in those beliefs despite obvious and undeniable truths, is the flaw of ego in human nature.

History books are littered with those who were weak with pride and ego, and due to their inability to admit to being wrong they fell from the highest pinnacles of society and power, created havoc and chaos in unprecedented levels, and were responsible for the deaths of millions.

I fear we are at that point once again, and many pages of future history texts will be dedicated to the events of the past twelve months, and to the events we have yet to experience over the next year. How will those histories look back upon these events a hundred years from now--or will there even be the freedom to report the true nature of that which transpired during this very unique and dangerous moment in time? That will only be determined by "We the People", and how rapidly the forces of liberty and freedom are able to organize a defense, and come together for the salvation of the basic fundamentals upon which this great nation was founded and has relied upon to become the guiding light of freedom for the entire planet.

This will be a fight in which no man, woman, or child will be able to sit out. You will be forced to pick a side, and if you opt not to choose--or you waver in your commitment--you will find the choice has already been made for you.

I lay them out for you now--the enemies of freedom.

1. President Barack Obama - The single greatest danger to our Constitution since it's ratification.

2. Rahm Emanuel - The man behind Barack Obama, the engine running this administration.

3. David Axelrod - The "spin-doctor" responsible for propaganda.

4. Valarie Jarrett - Perhaps the presidents closest advisor, a criminal, and a dangerous member of the presidents inner circle.

5. Harry Reid - A one-man gang writing the Health Care Reform bill, and in control of nearly 20% of the economy, this man is going to do what he feels is right regardless of how the American public feel.

6. Nancy Pelosi - Not smart enough, and too worried about her own popularity, to realize she is in a key position of power and being used by those who would willfully harm this nation.

7. Cass Sunstein - The Regulator Czar is a nut job who thinks your pet should be able to sue you in a court of law, and has written the book "Nudge" which talks about the strategy for capitulation by slowly, gleefully, stealing away basic rights through manipulation of current laws and legislation.

8. John Holdren - The Science Czar is using Climate Change and Global Warming--completely disproven through science now--to further an agenda of wealth redistribution through the Green Movement. He's another nut job along the lines of Cass Sunstein.

9. Al Gore - Big Al continues to dodge critics of his controversial book and film because the content has been proven to be filled with inaccuracy and the blatant manipulation of fact. An advocate for Global Governance to further the cause of Wealth Distribution in the name of Global Warming.

10. Andy Stern - There is such an abundance of those who wish to steal our freedom stalking the halls of the White House right now that coming up with a Top 10 was difficult. Greg Lloyd, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Robert McChesney, ACORN; there's just too many to choose from. Stern came in the tenth spot due to his affiliations with SEIU, union organizing, and his current positions within the Obama administration.

These are the people you need to know, understand, and that we as a nation need to protect ourselves from if we wish to continue to live in freedom.

Things are going to get interesting as this year closes out, and I will make a prediction to you now that by this time next year, at the latest, impeachment proceeding will be taking place to remove President Obama from office.

Pay very close attention to Copenhagen in December, the fight over Cap and Trade, the continued devaluation of the US Dollar, Internet Neutrality, and the outcome of the Health Care Reform Bill--these are the most key issues that will be in the news over the next few months, and these issues will be guideposts by which we'll be able to judge the future course of our nation.

The battle for freedom is under way, and it's about to explode on the national scene in a level never before witnessed in our nation--and at a level where mainstream media will no longer be able to ignore the corruption or the criminal acts of Obama and his administration.

More later . . .

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Time for Choosing

Take a moment to watch this speech from Ronald Reagan back in 1964. The words he speaks here are as relevant and applicable as they were back then, and the message is one the American people are yearning to hear once again.

Like Reagan or not, that speech sums up a great number of the issues we currently face today, and with this president. Take these words to heart, because we have once again reached a time of choice--about our future, about our freedom, and about our very lives.

Make the choice wisely, because if you choose poorly now never again will you be given the option of choice.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Radical Nomination That Needs To Be Stopped!

Not surprisingly here comes another far left wing, radical, Obama nomination set to go through the Senate confirmation process in this next week.

Let me introduce you to one Mr. Craig Becker--nominated to the National Labor Relations Board. You are just going to love this guy, and his views on our system of government as defined by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Mr. Becker believes secret ballot "elections are profoundly undemocratic." He also believes that every American worker should not have the option of whether or not they join a Union--the only choice he believes workers should have is which union they join.

Mr. Becker is also a former lawyer for AFL-CIO and , one of my personal most disliked organizations and ACORN offshoot, SEIU. That alone should provide pretty good insight as to where his political and social beliefs lie. Social justice and redistribution of wealth, anyone??

Here is a short clip about Mr. Becker, and after watching this I hope you will be encouraged, or outraged enough, to contact your Senator to ask for a resounding "NO" on this mans confirmation.

The beginning of this video has some great moments highlighting campaign promises made during Obama's lead up to the election--enjoy!

Seriously--again, is this the type of person we want representing the best interest of American citizens? Do you believe this man has the best interest of the free market system, the Constitution, or the economic future of our country in mind?

The answer, once again, is NO! This man should have no place in our government, and he should not be anywhere near those making the policies and laws that will determine the future of America.

Are you as tired of all this b.s. as I am? What is Obama trying to do--because whatever it is he is not looking out for our lives and our futures--I think the evidence, at this point, is more then overwhelming.

ACORN ALERT--Refunding set to go on 10/31

Can you believe this?!??

I, like most Americans, believed the funding for Acorn was finished--done, gone, finito.

Guess again . . .

It turns out the stripping of funds by Congress was only good for one month--from October 1st thru October 31. What that means is that unless Congress votes Thursday to reinstitute the restrictions on funding, ACORN will once again be receiving tax payer money. Don't forget, this diabolical, sickening organization is set to receive over 8 Billion Dollars in Federal Stimulus money.

Now here is where things get interesting. If the Congress does vote to continue the ban on funding ACORN, once again this ban will last for just over another month--this ban will end right around December 15th of this year. Then once again the ban will be lifted and ACORN will be eligible for Federal Funding.

The citizens of America, the people providing the tax payer funding, need to keep a close eye on this, and on the Congressmen who vote to enable ACORN to begin getting to again get tax payer funding.

For those Congressmen who do decide to allow funding for ACORN, they have just proven to the entire country that they are more concerned with their own political careers, there own agendas, and possibly the cover-up of their own ACORN related scandals instead of having the best interest of their base of constituents, and the the best interest of America and the Republic for which She stands.

These two coming votes; more then Health Care Reform and Cap and Trade, will separate those dangerous for the continuation of our country, and for the continued freedoms and prosperity we've enjoyed as a nation, from those dedicated to public service and defending the Constitution from enemies--both foreign and domestic.

Make no mistake, ACORN is a domestic enemy of this nation--and those who choose to back this organization should be found guilty of the theft, fraud, and misappropriation of American tax payer money by this nefarious organization.

If you want to make sure ACORN never gets another penny of tax payer money be sure to contact your Congressmen in the next 24 hours, and urge them to uphold the funding ban.

Lord Monckton Answers Some Questions

The video of Lord Monckton I have placed at the top of this page has created a huge stir in the past week since it's release. Last Friday, the B-Cast brought in Lord Monckton as a guest to ask him some questions about the video, his speech from Minnesota, and the coming Summit in Copenhagen this December.

This is a great interview where he really gets into the nuts and bolts behind the pending treaty, what this means to the United States, and how the actions of the European Union have worked in the past to ratify the treaties of this nature which have decimated the European economy.

Lord Monckton will be appearing on the Glenn Beck show this Friday, and I would recommend taking the time to watch this show. I'll be updating everything associated with the COP15 Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen as information becomes available. Please pass this information along to anybody who values American sovereignty, and does not wish to see a global government come about in our lifetime.

As always, thanks again to Liz and Scott from, and all the great work they are doing to expose these issues to the American people--keep up the great work!

Value Your Privacy and Freedom? Don't Get On-Star

While this may seem nonthreatening, there is still something very disturbing in the implications. Watch this video from the B-Side about On-Star, and some of the issues arising with privacy rights and the governments ability to track you, monitor your movements, and even listen to your conversations while you drive.

Now, On-Star is in all GM products. GM is now owned by the federal government. Do you think there could be some issues with this technology in the hands of people like the FBI, CIA, ATF, Department of Homeland Defense, and anybody else in the government who may want to intrude upon your right to privacy?

Watch this video, and during the second track test of the Cadillac notice how On-Star, without initiation from the driver, calls in to see if the car and passengers are okay.

This is scary stuff when you dig just a little below the surface. This technology, this ability, is now in the hands and under control of the government and the Obama administration . . .

Are you comfortable with this??

One of the most disturbing facts unearthed by this video is the ability of the On-Star system to be activated without your permission or knowledge. In fact, this has already happened with a study to determine the need for electric fueling stations to accommodate the Chevy Volt--the new car from GM that is scheduled for release in 2012I believe.

Basically, once you have a GM car you are now at the mercy of those who may wish to find out information about you without your knowledge. On-Star has it's purposes, and I believe the development of this product was done with the public's best interest in mind, but the fact this technology is very powerful--and now in the hands of our government--should scare you. In affect, this is technology that can be used to spy on you.

A case in point of the further loss of your personal rights. A big thanks goes out to Scott and Liz from the B-Cast for bringing this issue out into the light, and hopefully we will be hearing more about this in the future.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New World Order--Compare and Contrast

Do you really believe that the possiblity of a New World Order, a Global Government, and the loss of United States Sovernity is completely crazy and unbelievable?

Watch thes short clips below, and see if they connect in any way. I've included the video of Lord Monkton's recent lecture in Minnesota because I believe it' so powerful and frightning in it's implications. Here it is again, watch this first then watch the clips below in order and see how truly unbelievable the possiblity may be.

Now, here is Obama from his historic speech in Berlin.

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Now, here is Prime Minister Gordon Brown from this past week on the meetings in Copenhagen this December.

This is Dick Morris on the Hannity Show--this was on March 30, 2009, and everything this man talked about came to fruition at the G20.

Fundamental Transformation of America. This was a clip from five days before the election--if only Americans knew what this man really meant . . .

Here is Obama's thoughts on Cap and Trade--So, how is this good for Americans??

So, the 1000 plus page bill was rammed through--and during the evening before this crucial vote the Democratic leadership add an additional 300+ more pages of amendments to the legislation, then only provided the entire Congress and hour to review the bill before voting on this enormous tax. Here is how it was received by some Congressmen.

Michelle Bachmann from Minnesota--one of the few willing to fight for the rights of Americans, and a woman despised by the liberal left.

Republican from my state of Ohio, John Boehner, comments before reading the entire contents of the additional 300 pages added suspiciously right before the vote.

More for Boehner--

Finally, Republican Joe Barton of Texas closed the floor debate with this emotional plea for a no vote on Cap and Trade.

And with political maneuvering, promises of money for certain districts, and basic political corruption, the Cap and Trade bill was passed. Here is some reaction from the media.

First up, Bill O'Reilly takes a shot--

Obama's campaign supporter, and considered the greatest authority on economics in America, Warren Buffett.

Glenn Beck, on the eve of the vote--

Glenn Beck, 2 parts from show on Cap and Trade--

And finally, Dick Morris once again from the Hannity show the night Cap and Trade was passed.

What does this all mean to you?

It means less money in your pocket, less money to live your life, the further stripping away of your rights outlined by the Bill of Rights, and potentially the final nail in the coffin of economic recovery for the United States.

But more then all of that, it's part of the Obama agenda to create a World Government and surrender US sovereignty.

More on this to come soon--but for now, just allow these ideas to percolate in your mind---do you want a Global Government, where someone like the United Nations is creating the laws you will have to live under? Do you believe in social and economic justice to tax western countries, mostly the United States, to transfer money to third world countries for the sin of burning fossil fuels? Do you believe the United States, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence are moot--no longer applicable to the citizenry of this nation in the new global economy?

And last, are you willing to give up the rights and liberties endowed by our creator--the Natural Laws--that have allowed this nation to flourish and be the shining light in the world for the past two hundred years? Are you willing to let your personal rights to be taken?

This entire movement; the ideas of social justice, economic justice, and a new Global Government, are all being driven through the Climate Change movement. You need to educate yourself on the facts, and be aware of how this movement is aiming to destroy America. Our way of life; freedom, liberty, personal choice, and freedom from a tyrannical government--these virtues are all in eminent danger. Once they are gone, they will be gone for good.

I have placed a countdown clock in the top left portion of the home page, and it's counting down the days and minutes until the summit in Copenhagen--maybe counting down the end of freedom as we know it.

Concerning Climate Chains

The movie I have in the last post, Climate Chains, really digs into the politics behind the Cap and Trade issues, and why this issue is so crucial to the future of our nation and your independence.

The reasoning behind Cap and Trade, and behind the entire Global Warming debate, has become so muddled with arguments and reasoning's based in the emotions of morality that it has become difficult to separate and distinguish the true facts from the bloated, twisted statistical evidence often pointed to as the conclusive "truths".

The Cap and Trade bill will levy what will end up being the largest tax hike thrust upon the American people in history--although there will be several other Obama driven tax raises coming in the not so distant future. And for most Americans, the reasons behind these new taxes and future increase in the cost of energy, make no sense and provide them with nothing of value to show for their money.

There is a reason why this legislation was pushed through under the guise of some impending crisis--the same reason the Stimulus Bill and the pending Health Care bill are being rushed through to completion--and the reason is this president doesn't want Americans to know and understand the items actually included in these bills, or the long-term ramifications of these government-expanding programs as related to the future of our nation.

Did you know that several weeks ago a gentleman filed for the release of a document under the Freedom of Information Act that exposed the true cost of Cap and Trade to the average American family. This document shows the projected average increase in taxes to the average American household at just over $1700 per year. This document was also dated earlier this year, and was know and covered up by the White House and President Obama.

Having known the true cost per family for several months, the Obama administration buried this document and chose a course of out right lying to America by telling us Cap and Trade would only cost around $250 per household.

They blatantly and intentionally lied.

Not for the first time, and certain not for the last time either.

So for all the billions, possibly trillions, of dollars in taxes we will pay to the government what exactly will this legislation accomplish? How will Cap and Trade save our planet?

First, those are two questions Obama does not want you to ask. As far as what will this bill accomplish, and how will it save our planet---it will accomplish nothing from an environmental, global warming standpoint, and it won't save our planet in any way, shape, or form.

We, the American people, will be tossing away more of our rights and liberties, and paying billions in taxes, for absolutely nothing.

To give you an idea; to affect the climate of this planet by one degree, humanity would need to reduce CO2 emissions by a trillion tons. The amount of CO2 that can be directly tied to humans that is released into the atmosphere each year is just under 30 billion tons. That means that humanity would need to stop all CO2 emissions, except for breathing, for the next 35 years to effect a single degree of change to the average climate.

That's one way to look at it. The other way the citizens of this country need to see Climate Change and Global Warming is for it's true nature and purpose; it's a total sham, and science has now debunked the possibility that mankind is responsible for increasing, or decreasing, the temperature of our planet. The purpose of the Climate Change movement is much more insidious, and as we work to peel back the layers of this onion I guarantee your toes will curl with anger over what is going on behind the scenes, out of the public eye, that is the real reason this bill is being pushed so frantically.

Watch the movie--it will give you a little in site into these things, and we will be exploring much more on this issue in the coming weeks as the countdown to Copenhagen ticks away.

Watch the movie--tell at least one person about it, or better yet--get somebody else you know to sit down and watch it themselves.

Our freedom, our very future, are at dire risk.

Climate Chains---Watch this Movie

This movie delves into Cap and Trade, and the affects it will have upon this nation, the world, and your bank account.

The video runs 22 minutes, and it's well worth your time to become educated about the Cap and Trade legislature being pushed through by President Obama. It's wrong, it based in scientific myth and mirrors, and it's going to keep this country from recovering from the ecomomic problems we are currently experiencing.

Climate Chains from Climate Chains on Vimeo.

Pass this along, or talk to at least one person about this scam. It's time to spread the word so this doesn't happen in America.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Trans-nationalism--The New World Order

One of my greatest fears, and a fear I believe would be shared by nearly every American, is the thought or chance that the United States of America could give up her sovereignty and become part of a World Government.

In the past week, with the revelations of Lord Monkton and the environmental meetings and treaty signing coming this December, we are suddenly discovering there are several people high up in the Obama administration who believe in a World Government--and they are going to try and use Global Warming as the vehicle to bring this about.

Along with everything else going on, I'm going to be concentration on this issue--Trans-nationalism and a World Government--over the next few weeks, and really dig into the issue to separate fact from fiction. I will say today that I do believe that President Obama is a proponent of having global governance, and that as we dig further into this issue we will all be shocked by the number of people working behind the scenes to bring this type of system to fruition.

Can you imagine the day Obama signs away America and renders the Constitution null and void?

Below is the trailer for a new film released yesterday that deals with this issue among others. While I've not had a chance yet to view it, I'm looking forward to seeing what this movie is all about soon.

Be prepared to see and hear things in the coming months that will seems like they are straight out of a fiction novel; nightmarish things, horrible revelations, and the exposure of those working from within the government to destroy the institutions of freedom and liberty.

Stay with me on this one--if even part of all of this is true, this will be the biggest issue in the past 200 years.

A Lesson to Learn--Breaking Down Alinsky

The administration is using a playbook for it's political strategy--and it was written by a man named Sal Alinsky wrote in 1971 titled "Rules for Radicals".

This book, this manual, was written as a collection of rules to guide the process of confrontational tactics to help poor people fight against power and privilage. Many on the right, Republicans in general, have pointed toward the Democrates--and the White House--as staunch followers of the Alinsky tactics.

After learning more about this man and his beliefs, I agree with the accusations whole heartedly. As you learn more about this man, and his rules to sabotage those in power or those oppossed to a certain veiwpoint, you will be shocked when you watch the news and see these tactics employeed by nearly everyone within the administration. Obama, Axelrod, Emmanuel, Dunn, Michelle Obama, Jarrett---they all follow the script to the letter. And, as David Alinsky, son of Sal, recently wrote,

"Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday."

This administration, and Barack Obama in particular, have demonstrated their willingness, and eagerness, to destroy the basic structures, beliefs, and foundations upon which this country was founded and built--and it's getting worse with each passing day.

Now more then ever it's crucial that you begin to understand the enemies of freedom, and it's crucial that you recognize the tactics they use to bring about such horrendous change to the American Way of Life. My advice to you is to learn these rules and tactics, and be able to recognize how they are being used to manipulate nearly every political argument.

Here is a brief video introduction into the Alinsky rules and history.

Interesting stuff.

This is just a quick introduction to the man who we hear about in the media so often, but yet most people don't really understand the Alinsky Rules, and how they are being applied today.

Know thy Enemy.

In my next post I'm going to list the rules one by one, but for today I want to leave you with another video to watch. It's actually an audio from Mike Waller on Secure Freedom Radio, and the topic is political warfare, and fighting with the Alinsky Rules. It's a long audio, but if you've got time it's a facinating look into the modern application of these rules in todays politics.

object width="500" height="315">

"The Revolutionary force today has two targets, moral as well as material. Its young protagonists are one moment reminiscent of the idealistic early Christians, yet they also urge violence and cry, 'Burn the system down!' They have no illusions about the system, but plenty of illusions about the way to change our world. It is to this point that I have written this book."

That quote from Alinsky is chilling--and to think the President of the United States turns to this man and his teachings on a consistent basis for the methods of governing though disruption, chaos, and division.

More Tomorrow . . .

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Your Government Run Internet----Obamanet

The federal government wants your internet--and, by his own admission, Obama is the biggest supporter of Internet Neutrality.

What does this mean to you?

Well, it means that everybody will have access to broadband internet provided by the federal government. That doesnt' sound so bad until you really stop and think about it for a moment; the government controlling content, and your ability to free speech?

Maybe that's not such a great idea.

Not many people are aware, but the vote on this issue will take place tomorrow--and at that point the rights garenteed under the 1st Amendment, in relation to the internet, will disappear.

So, why would the government, and Obama, want to do this?

To control content and eliminate, or contain, opposing voices. This president is very fragile when it comes to critism and hard questions about his policies and inablitity to govern effectively, and this is just another vehicle to limit those who would voice opposition to his grand plans.

Think of it as a Fairness Doctrine, only less visible, that the administration is pushing to rid the airways of talk radio.

This is social and economic justice, and it is sickening!

I want to stronly encourage everybody to write, call, and bother your elected representavies, today, about standing up against this monstrosity and upholding the right to freedom and liberty.

Don't wait on this one--there isn't time left!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 » Study: H1N1 Vaccine Too Late, Won’t Help Most » Study: H1N1 Vaccine Too Late, Won’t Help Most

Amazing---and scary.

This administration had one job to do in health care this fall: to provide this vaccine to the general public in a timely manner, and within a time frame that would best serve the public by allowing them to immunize before the virus became widespread.


And---these are the people who want to bring the entire populace under the umbrella of National Health Care in a government run system??

How could anybody possibly consider this as a good idea, and an idea that is in the best interest of themselves and their families?

They couldn't get this done--so now lets put the entire population under the governments direct control to provide health care . . . brilliant.

The fact that the Obama administration has failed to provide this crucial vaccine to the American people in time to insure it's safety against this virus is simply criminal neglect.

Great Job, White House! With this type of health care, I'm really hoping to enjoy all 53 years of my life!

A Time to "Serve"

A document came to light in the past few day that outlines contact between President Obama’s administration, the big three news networks, and various other cable news outlets—and I’m sure you can figure out which stations those may be. The document shows that the administration would like these networks to concentrate on promoting the idea of “service” through commercials; public service ads, new stories, and the general promotion of the presidents various agenda’s that are struggling to gain favorability with the general public.

Does this sound right to you? The White House is calling for the Media to promote its agendas and policies, and to be the mouthpiece for expanding the federal government influence over our lives. Does this idea; the idea that the media should be controlled by the state, to do the states bidding, and to promote only issues that reflect well upon a countries leader, seem like something in the best interest of America?

Cough . . . Hugo Chaves . . . Cough

Now, let’s take a moment to define what the idea of “Service” means to this administration, and President Obama, and try to project how these policies might affect your life on a personal level.

By service, here is what the President would like you to provide as a citizen, to promote the roll of government in our country.

First, the President would like you to “serve” this country by keeping your mouth closed if you have any questions, or, god-forbid, objections, to the direction of the current agenda and the long term ramifications of those actions on the future of the United States as a sovereign country.

Basically, you can “serve” the President by keeping your mouth closed and blindly placing all of your trust and faith in his administration---after all, they know what is best for you, and they know better then you know yourself. So the best way you can “serve” is to keep quiet, tell others to keep quiet, and toss all of your hopes and dreams on the shoulders of this great, demigod of a man.

Next, you can “serve” President Obama by realizing that any money or wealth you do have is not really yours at all. It’s the governments, and they are the ones who allow you to have money, make money, and it’s only by Obama’s good will and blessing that the government grants you the right to earn. So, to “serve”, it’s up to you to allow the President to greatly increase your taxes—for the greater good. And, if you know anybody who believes that money is good, and that striving for wealth or bettering their own life, is a good lens through which to view the world—you need to belittle them, embarrass them, and make them understand that money is evil, capitalism is evil, and that every person is entitled to have just as much as anybody else—and, it doesn’t matter if they have worked or done anything at all. You see, we are all here to provide for each other—nobody is better then anybody else, nobody should have more then anybody else, and the federal government should be the sole arbiter through which money is gifted and granted.

To “Serve”, the President would like you to ignore common logic and proven science, and go along with all the nut jobs who claim that Global Warming has humanity poised upon the brink of destruction. “Service” means you are being asked to ignore facts, and to shout down any dissenters who would dare to claim any thing other then the fact that mankind, and mostly those in the Western world, are fully responsible for destroying our planet—and for that, we should make amends to the rest of the world through a policy of Eco-Justice; paying penalties and fines to other countries and governing bodies for our sins against Mother Earth.

Facts don’t matter in this—not when morality and fear are fully engaged and on their side. After all, who would dare level such a claim as to say that Polar Bears aren’t an endangered species?

Oh, and just this little thing---to “Serve” means that you really don’t need such things such as your rights guaranteed under the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Freedom of Speech—blah, that’s nothing but a nuisance and it’s really not a right at all. How could anybody dare to speak out against “The One”? And, because you aren’t smart enough to handle something so dangerous, this administration would like to relieve you of the burden of having firearms in your home. Guns are just dangerous, nasty, and they are empowering in ways that could cause people within the government to actually think twice as they skulk through the shadows and rob you or your freedom and liberty.

And you can “Serve” by allowing the government to take the responsibility for your life off your weary shoulders. “The One” knows best, and he would like to assure you that by placing your very life in his hands in the form of Nationalized Health Care, you can be guaranteed the same great service provided by the Post Office, Amtrak, the IRS, the DMV, and all those other fabulous and efficient government agencies, will be right there to run a Cost/Benefit Analysis should you ever face a life threatening illness—and , if you have enough productive years left as a taxpayer, you will only have to wait twice as long as you currently do to receive worse medical treatment then you receive now. If you don’t have enough years left to pay taxes, to be a productive member of “Service”, well, we’ll just not speak of those matters just yet.

Best of all---the cost of having Obama grant you Health Care is only going to raise your out-of-pocket expenses anywhere from $2700-$4000 per year.

Now that, my friends . . . that is “Service”. Service Mao Tse Tung would be proud of—oh . . . I meant to say Barrack Hussein Obama.

Please “Serve” by ignoring any references to Communist Dictators responsible for murdering 65 million people or more.

Yes, you are being asked to serve---for yourself, for your family, for your community, and for Barrack Obama and his leftist, Marxist ideology. He wants you to “Serve” till it hurts—then narc on anybody you know who isn’t “Serving” just as hard as they should. So as you browse the channels this next week, make a mental note of all the references you see to “Service”, and ask yourself why you are being asked to serve. Ask yourself why you are being asked to give more of your money in taxes for the right to have government take more of your freedom. Ask what the end result, the ultimate goal, of all these programs and policies means for your life.

And ask yourself if “Service” can be compared to “Freedom” as defined by this President.

More taxes, less freedom, fewer choices, economic justice, environmental justice, Communist ideology, Marxist ideology, Socialistic agenda, the end of the Dollar, a debt America can no longer repay, and the chance that our county will lose it’s sovereignty and be swallowed by a New World Government---now that is “Service”.

And I will take this opportunity to thank you on the President’s behalf—this type of “Service” is not only greatly appreciated by himself, George Soros, and Communist the world over---but your “Service” is demanded, and the choice will not be yours anyway, we just wanted to wrap it up in a nice marketable, fuzzy, little feel-good package that will cast aside any doubts or reservations you might experience. So, don’t ask, don’t question, and don’t worry---just “Serve”.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Exciting News!! Podcast Coming Soon

Hey All,

I've been working on putting something together over the past couple of weeks, and I'm excited to inform you that it's almost ready to go--

The very first Twilight Falling podcast!

I'm hoping to have it up by the end of this week--as long as I can get all the technical stuff worked out--and you will be able to listen to the podcast directly from this site, and I'm also planning to have it available for download at Itunes.

I'll keep you updated this week, but the first show will run for about an hour and I'll be discussing some of the recent news items that could directly effect your life. Please feel free to submit any issues you would like me to address in the comment section below and I'll do my best to work it into the show.

I'm excited to do this, and while it may be a learning process I hope you will listen in and let me know what you think.

Go To the Blog Page


For those of you who weren't aware, you can click on the link provided in these emails sent to you to go straight to the website.

There is a ton of good information, and more coming every day, provided there to give you more updates and information.

Here is the link:

just click on this link, and it will bring you to the website automatically. Come check it out.

Stop What You Are Doing--Watch This Now!


There are things coming to light in the political world. Things that people within the administration, within the White House, have not wanted you, the American people, to know about.

What ever you are doing right now, please stop for a moment---I promise you it will be worth the couple of minutes it takes to watch this quick video.

Click on the underlined link in this page

This link will take you to the website, and in the post below this one you will find another link in red that takes you to a video at watch this video.

I cannot emphasis the importance of watching this---it will absolutely change the way you look upon this president, and his agenda for our countries future. Now, before you dismiss the ideas presented by Lord Monckton, realize that this man is an extraordinary man with impeccable credentials---a voice that should be taken very seriously. Also, is the news entity which originally broke the recent Acorn scandal, and is considered to be one of the leading providers of actual news---true and real news.

This is not being presented to you by a tabloid paper, or by some wackos that would have you believe Bigfoot got a lady in West Virginia pregnant. These sources are the real deal--and the things they are presented should be taken very, very seriously.

I also want to give you a couple of other links that are important. &

Please sign up and have the form letter on these sites sent to your Congressmen and Senators--it takes just a moment to fill in, and they automatically send a wonderful form letter off in your behalf. You can edit the words if you like, but I've found the letter to express my thoughts on this issue very well.

Come out to this site, I'll be updating these matters very frequently and you need to stay up to date on these issues.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Watch this Video NOW!!! Don't Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! » Climate Change Skeptic: Obama Is Poised to Cede US Sovereignty

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I want you all to veiw this video--part 1 is key.

You need to see this video--and let it really sink in for a minute.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --

Okay, now this should scare you more then anything you have ever seen in your life, it should outrage you more then anything you've ever heard in your life, and it should shock you more then anything you've ever felt in your life.

This possiblity, and the complete transformation of this nation---and your life---should quack you down to your very soul!!!

We cannot let this happen---This cannot happen!!

Share this video with everybody you know; send it out in emails, tell everybody at work, show your friends and neighbors, show everybody you know.

You have to contact your Senators and Congressmen NOW!!!!!

You need to call the White House, email the White House----NOW!!!

Each and every one of us needs to do something---Stand Up Now!!!

Don't wait for somebody else to call---do it.

Don't believe that things will just be okay---do it!

Defend yourself and your freedom now-------DO IT!!!!

There is no time left---call the news stations, ask the questions, pressure the people in power to understand the danger, get this out to the public, pull them out from the shadows and expose them to the light!

Please . . . .

Do it Now----------before it's too late.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Nobel Peace Prize? . . . Why Not-----------?

He won it without earning it--the prestigious Nobel Peace Award.

Should anybody really be surprised? After all, isn't this the same man who won the presidency without having done anything significant in his political career? If I recall correctly, Senator Obama did not pass one piece of legislation during his time in that position. His voting record was the most liberal during his tenure, and he was simple known as a man who really didn't add anything significant to the Senate roll in American politics.

What he is good at, though, is running for elections--or, in this case, running to win the prize.

The first position Obama was elected to was marked when three opposing candidates dropped out of the election due to complaints made by . . . guess who . . .


So, in his first position, he basically had the other candidates removed from consideration--leaving him as the only person to run, unopposed. He did run a masterful campaign in 08, and for that he was awarded the presidency with which he is stacking failure after failure of political policy, like cordwood along the side of the White House garage.

Would it really surprise anybody who can look at this mans career objectively that maybe he had the other contestants in the race for Nobel smeared and discredited?

This award announcement has been greeted with world wide skepticism and shook--coming even from within the presidents own party. Honestly, this man has done nothing--nothing--to be considered a serious candidate for this award--let alone, the winner.

In the eyes of many, this has ruined any credibility of the Nobel panel--leaving the award worth little more then the tokens for Skeeball I won at a recent trip to Chuck E Cheese for a neighborhood child's birthday party.

If ego would allow--which it won't due to it's extreme size and appetite--Obama would be right to turn down this award. Accepting it will put him in the position of not being able to, without having academia and the Euro's looking down upon him in disgust, honor the request of General McQuarter and send more troops to Afghanistan---no winner of the Nobel Prize could send more troops to war, could he??

Accepting the award will just be further confirmation that this man believes he has been granted some godlike power; the power to rise above, unite, and heal all the evils of the world. He has been "Chosen", as he has pointed out in the past.

If he is smart--and with the way all of his other policies have worked out, that remains in serious doubt--he will graciously turn down this award and get on with the business of being president.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

H1 N1--Will the Government Force You to Get the Shot?!

You need to watch this clip about Swine Flu, and the Federal Government response to the "possiblity" of a pandemic breaking out in our nation.

This clip, and what the state of Massachusetts is doing, are absolutely mindblowing. Does the government have any right to forcefully inject something into your body???

I think not---yet that's exactly what it may come down to in the end. You need to fight this--it's wrong!!

Things are spiralling out of control with this current government, and you need to be vigilant and unyeilding in your beliefs about liberty, freedom, and the rights garenteed to you by the Constitution!

The End of the USA as a Nation??

Do you want to understand the real agenda of the current administration? Do you think that the United States of America, the greatest nation ever founded in the history of mankind, could give up her souvernty and submitt to any world or global athority?

This video should scare the hell out of you---this issue is very disturbing in the least.

Now, ask yourself how much you like Obama, and do you think he has your best interest in mind? Does he have your children's best interest in mind?

I don't think so!

Where is Simple Respect?

Okay . . . Enough with the “Holocaust” comparisons.

I am so sick and tired of hearing politicians, especially Democrats, tossing around words like Holocaust, Racist, and Nazi, and comparing ordinary Americans—people with legitimate questions and concerns about the direction of their county, and the continued failed policies under this administration—for the sole purpose of creating shock value in the media.

It’s disgusting. It’s vile. It’s low-class.

And, it’s become unforgivable.

The latest shot fired off in this war of words happened earlier today when Barney Frank, that bastion of morality and honor, decided to compare the issue of Illegal Immigration to the Holocaust of Hitler’s Europe. This follows fresh on the tail of Congressman Grayson’s comments about the lack of healthcare reform in our country, and the Republican Party’s purposeful stance of harm toward citizens, as being the new Holocaust, where people are dropping over dead in the streets of America nearly every second.

And those comments, made with grave deliberation and intending to cause a media furor, are following the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a bunch of other Congressmen and Senators who spent the later portion of the summer insulting, ignoring, inciting American citizens—you know, the people who employ them—during the many Townhall meetings held across the country.

Now, first, as a citizen of this country, a voter, and a person who understands the historic implications of these comments, I will tell you that I’m simply outraged at the audacity with which these words—words that have so much pain, suffering, evil, and heartbreak attached to them—have been bandied about and used as a weapon to harm those who are of an opposing viewpoint. If the Pelosi’s, Reid’s, Frank’s, and Grayson’s of the world could pull their heads out of their own all too self-important rear ends for just a moment, and just look at the world around them, maybe they could each reflect on the true meaning of what they are saying.

Barney . . . is it really okay to compare the plight of Illegal Immigrants—you know, those people who came to America to make a better life for themselves and their families, but chose to do it in a way that is against the Laws of this country—to the brutal massacre of over six million Jewish people by the most evil man in history??


Hey, Grayson . . . is it really okay to compare Healthcare in our country—you know, the country who has the best health care system in the world, that contributes the most advances toward developing new drugs and cures, that, if you eliminate the death from automobiles and homicides, has the highest life expectancy in the world—to the gassing, starvation, medical experimentation, and near destruction of the Jewish populace of Europe by Adolf Hitler?

Are you for real??? Seriously???

And Grayson, not only are you of Jewish descent, but I would honestly like to know just how many people you and your colleagues have seen as they died on the streets of America? You guys all try to make it sound like we have bodies stacked up in the curbs like cordwood, for the purpose of laying a guilt trip on the American people so we fall for your take over of our Healthcare system.

So, Grayson . . . how many have you seen? Honestly?

To me, and to many Americans, your party— and you in particular, have stooped to the lowest common denomonator of human decency, common sense, and personal honor and accountability. You have systematically gone about smearing the memory of those people who suffered so horribly at the hands of the Third Reich. You have trivialized, agendized, and dismissed the pain of all the families, all the survivors, and anybody whose life was touched by the events of World War II. You are shameless, immoral, perverted, uncouth, piggish, infantile, and insulting—to yourselves, and to all those who are forced to hear the filth that spews from your mouths.

You should be ashamed—but the problem is, you have no shame. You have no taste. You have no tact. You have no sense of right and wrong. You have no concept of the words—the true life stories of unimaginable suffering, pain, death, and murder—and the true meaning and images those words evoke.

I’m embarrassed for you.

But I will tell you this, and you can choose to trivialize it as well—your days are numbered. The American people—the people you have slandered and dismissed so easily—will remember the things you have said. We will remember the abuses you have rendered with your words, and you can bet—sooner, not later—that you will not be welcome in Washington to represent the great people of this country. You will not have a seat at the table for long.

There are simply things which do not fade away with time, and it’s my belief that you have crossed a line from which you can’t return.

Enough with the careless tossing about of references to the Holocaust—be a grown up, and act like a mature, educated, caring adult for once. The media play you’ve been given is not an aid to your purpose—can you not see that? Let those that suffered rest in peace, without insult from you—for in the eyes of those who lived through what was possibly the darkest moments in human history, it is only you who is resurrecting the spirit of those who perpetrated those horrors.

In closing this piece, I would like everybody to take a serious look at those who wish to politize—for their own selfish gains—those horrible, frightful memories from the past, and ask yourself if these are the people you would have acting as your mouthpiece, creating the laws which govern your life, and whose indelible fingerprints on the future will determine the course of history for your children.

Would you have these people speak for you?


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The End of the World As We Know It---Proof on Tape

 . . . I'm not sure what to say about this one. At this point, not many things I see are truly disturbing--but at just the moment I think I've seen it all something new pops up that takes my breath away.

You need to watch this video:

I am literally stunned . . . I think maybe Holloween came early this year because there are few things I've seen that are as scary as this video.

Just . . . wow! Items like this, and the recent examples of child indoctrination that are showing up, should cause every rational, well-intentioned, sane person to pause and begin to ask what is going on. This is just not right.

I heard a joke recently; What's the difference between God and Obama?

God doesn't think he's Obama

I'm not laughing right now.

Friday, September 25, 2009

My . . . ahh . . .Al Gore Years . . .D'oh!!!!!

Yes I can admit it . . .

And no, I'm not proud.

I was actually a big Al Gore fan. No joke, I thought he was the greatest thing since the IPod.

My how things change. Time, and age, tend to render a person wiser and better able to see things for what they truly are---and with age, it can be sometimes embassing to look back on the beliefs you had during your first forays into adulthood and the real world. That idealism, the thoughts of fighting for causes based upon some superior moral model too complex and complicated for anybody ordinary to grasp, eventually gives way to the realizations that the world around you isn't as black and white, and as easily cataloged, as your adolescent brain would have you believe.

I read the book "Earth In the Balance", and from that moment on I was an Al Gore convert. I already held strong convictions about the environment, positive reform, and humanities roll in destroying nature, but that book took those beliefs to the next level.

In those pages were graphs and charts--pictures of ecological devastation that brought back thoughts of that Indian guy on Saturday morning commercials I'd see while watching Scooby Doo or Tom and Jerry--y'know, the one with the Indian chief standing with a tear running down his face as he stood in stoic silence, gazing upon a river choked with pollution?

Yea, that one. I thought you might remember it.

Single-mindedly, I carried the thought that man was bad for the environment, destroying the planet, and that big business and greed were to blame. I memorized the statistics, I could draw the pie charts, I could beat back all the arguments claiming our Earth was in great shape. I was . . . enlightened. And more then that, I wasn't afraid to let anybody know that I was enlightened--and that they were stupid if they didn't understand, or held different beliefs, then I held.

Now, as the years have rolled past and I'm better able to think for myself, and better able to understand how facts, agendas, and marketing can be changed to fit any certain viewpoint, I've come to the stark realization, albeit a very freeing notion, that I was full of shit.

So is Al Gore.

As I've been able to step back, removing the passion and emotion from myself, I've been able to weigh things in a much more objective way. And as I've dug further into the environmental movement, and the dangers that movement poses to our very freedom, I've tried to discern the facts from the twisted and mangled portrayals.

My hero, the saviour of our planet, is nothing more then a snake oil salesman who has an amazing ability to present important data in a misleading way to fit his agenda. The other issue is the blatant hypocrisy with which he chooses to live his life. This man will lecture you on all the things you need to do, the sacrifices you need to make, the taxes you need to pay, to do your part in saving our planet--then he'll take a limo to the airport, board his private jet, and in the matter of two hours equal the greenhouse gas output of the average American family--over the course of a year!

Sure, he'll claim he has to do these things that fly in the face of everything he tells you that you need to do because he's been called to serve the earth--and that makes it okay not to live what you preach.

He'll show you huge chunks of the polar ice caps, chunks the size of Rhode Island, breaking away and splashing into the ocean--all due to global warming--but yet he'll fail to inform you that this is a normal occurrence that happens nearly every day as the seasons change in the Arctic. He'll fail to tell you that as the seasons change the polar ice cap expands and contracts, and this is the reason you get to see the dramatic footage on television.

Facts?? Why should facts matter??

To Al Gore, they simply don't matter at all. In fact, facts are just a nuisance one needs to avoid, or simply deny, if they stand in the way of getting your point--and your legislation--across.

With his last book, "An Inconvenient Truth", Gore crushed any doubt that humans were responsible for global warming and the coming environmental crisis resulting from our sinful indiscretions. His overwhelming proof, the Cu de Tet, was a graph that overlapped CO2 emissions with a graph showing the rising temperature of the planet---and, low and behold, the graphs were practically identical. The correlation of the data was stunning and indisputable--and there was no other conclusion that could be derived except that all the CO2 humans were spewing into the atmosphere was causing the planet to warm to catastrophic, and unprecedented levels.

It was freaking amazing---Al Gore had just done what no real scientist in the history of humanity could figure out. Greater then that though, Al Gore could, and would, save the planet and save us from ourselves.

But, oh those pesky facts . . .

There was an Inconvenient Truth to all of it, and that truth was the one Al Gore didn't tell you about in the book, or during any of this subsequent lectures---and it's a very important truth.

While it's true that as the global temperatures have risen CO2 has risen in direct proportions as well--yet, that doesn't tell the whole story, and to tell the whole story would be to render Al Gore's entire argument, and agenda, a moot point.

What Big Al didn't tell you--the Inconvenient Truth--is that in his evidence, and verified by climatologist across the world, is that the temperature rises happened prior to the rise of CO2!!!

That's a blatant omission of the most important fact in the entire argument.

It wasn't CO2 which has caused the earth's temperatures to rise--and I'm not getting into all the data showing earth temperature rises and falls on a normal basis, and that the temperature rises--if there truly is one, and that's in doubt as well, are the cyclical nature of a living organism. The earth is always going through temperature fluctuations--and it always will. The point of the matter is that it was the rising of temperature first which then caused the rise in CO2, as a byproduct of higher temperatures.

Boy, Al, that sure sucks--doesn't it?

The point of this post is there is a new movie coming out in 23 days, called "Not Evil Just Wrong", that explores the eco-movement in the world today, and sheds some light into the not so warm and fuzzy things going on with regards to this movement.

Here is the link:

Check this one out--I think you'll have an eye opening experience.