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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Where is Simple Respect?

Okay . . . Enough with the “Holocaust” comparisons.

I am so sick and tired of hearing politicians, especially Democrats, tossing around words like Holocaust, Racist, and Nazi, and comparing ordinary Americans—people with legitimate questions and concerns about the direction of their county, and the continued failed policies under this administration—for the sole purpose of creating shock value in the media.

It’s disgusting. It’s vile. It’s low-class.

And, it’s become unforgivable.

The latest shot fired off in this war of words happened earlier today when Barney Frank, that bastion of morality and honor, decided to compare the issue of Illegal Immigration to the Holocaust of Hitler’s Europe. This follows fresh on the tail of Congressman Grayson’s comments about the lack of healthcare reform in our country, and the Republican Party’s purposeful stance of harm toward citizens, as being the new Holocaust, where people are dropping over dead in the streets of America nearly every second.

And those comments, made with grave deliberation and intending to cause a media furor, are following the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and a bunch of other Congressmen and Senators who spent the later portion of the summer insulting, ignoring, inciting American citizens—you know, the people who employ them—during the many Townhall meetings held across the country.

Now, first, as a citizen of this country, a voter, and a person who understands the historic implications of these comments, I will tell you that I’m simply outraged at the audacity with which these words—words that have so much pain, suffering, evil, and heartbreak attached to them—have been bandied about and used as a weapon to harm those who are of an opposing viewpoint. If the Pelosi’s, Reid’s, Frank’s, and Grayson’s of the world could pull their heads out of their own all too self-important rear ends for just a moment, and just look at the world around them, maybe they could each reflect on the true meaning of what they are saying.

Barney . . . is it really okay to compare the plight of Illegal Immigrants—you know, those people who came to America to make a better life for themselves and their families, but chose to do it in a way that is against the Laws of this country—to the brutal massacre of over six million Jewish people by the most evil man in history??


Hey, Grayson . . . is it really okay to compare Healthcare in our country—you know, the country who has the best health care system in the world, that contributes the most advances toward developing new drugs and cures, that, if you eliminate the death from automobiles and homicides, has the highest life expectancy in the world—to the gassing, starvation, medical experimentation, and near destruction of the Jewish populace of Europe by Adolf Hitler?

Are you for real??? Seriously???

And Grayson, not only are you of Jewish descent, but I would honestly like to know just how many people you and your colleagues have seen as they died on the streets of America? You guys all try to make it sound like we have bodies stacked up in the curbs like cordwood, for the purpose of laying a guilt trip on the American people so we fall for your take over of our Healthcare system.

So, Grayson . . . how many have you seen? Honestly?

To me, and to many Americans, your party— and you in particular, have stooped to the lowest common denomonator of human decency, common sense, and personal honor and accountability. You have systematically gone about smearing the memory of those people who suffered so horribly at the hands of the Third Reich. You have trivialized, agendized, and dismissed the pain of all the families, all the survivors, and anybody whose life was touched by the events of World War II. You are shameless, immoral, perverted, uncouth, piggish, infantile, and insulting—to yourselves, and to all those who are forced to hear the filth that spews from your mouths.

You should be ashamed—but the problem is, you have no shame. You have no taste. You have no tact. You have no sense of right and wrong. You have no concept of the words—the true life stories of unimaginable suffering, pain, death, and murder—and the true meaning and images those words evoke.

I’m embarrassed for you.

But I will tell you this, and you can choose to trivialize it as well—your days are numbered. The American people—the people you have slandered and dismissed so easily—will remember the things you have said. We will remember the abuses you have rendered with your words, and you can bet—sooner, not later—that you will not be welcome in Washington to represent the great people of this country. You will not have a seat at the table for long.

There are simply things which do not fade away with time, and it’s my belief that you have crossed a line from which you can’t return.

Enough with the careless tossing about of references to the Holocaust—be a grown up, and act like a mature, educated, caring adult for once. The media play you’ve been given is not an aid to your purpose—can you not see that? Let those that suffered rest in peace, without insult from you—for in the eyes of those who lived through what was possibly the darkest moments in human history, it is only you who is resurrecting the spirit of those who perpetrated those horrors.

In closing this piece, I would like everybody to take a serious look at those who wish to politize—for their own selfish gains—those horrible, frightful memories from the past, and ask yourself if these are the people you would have acting as your mouthpiece, creating the laws which govern your life, and whose indelible fingerprints on the future will determine the course of history for your children.

Would you have these people speak for you?


1 comment:

deepinthought said...

Wow, that was beautifully and eloquently expressed. Thank you.