The reasoning behind Cap and Trade, and behind the entire Global Warming debate, has become so muddled with arguments and reasoning's based in the emotions of morality that it has become difficult to separate and distinguish the true facts from the bloated, twisted statistical evidence often pointed to as the conclusive "truths".
The Cap and Trade bill will levy what will end up being the largest tax hike thrust upon the American people in history--although there will be several other Obama driven tax raises coming in the not so distant future. And for most Americans, the reasons behind these new taxes and future increase in the cost of energy, make no sense and provide them with nothing of value to show for their money.
There is a reason why this legislation was pushed through under the guise of some impending crisis--the same reason the Stimulus Bill and the pending Health Care bill are being rushed through to completion--and the reason is this president doesn't want Americans to know and understand the items actually included in these bills, or the long-term ramifications of these government-expanding programs as related to the future of our nation.
Did you know that several weeks ago a gentleman filed for the release of a document under the Freedom of Information Act that exposed the true cost of Cap and Trade to the average American family. This document shows the projected average increase in taxes to the average American household at just over $1700 per year. This document was also dated earlier this year, and was know and covered up by the White House and President Obama.
Having known the true cost per family for several months, the Obama administration buried this document and chose a course of out right lying to America by telling us Cap and Trade would only cost around $250 per household.
They blatantly and intentionally lied.
Not for the first time, and certain not for the last time either.
So for all the billions, possibly trillions, of dollars in taxes we will pay to the government what exactly will this legislation accomplish? How will Cap and Trade save our planet?
First, those are two questions Obama does not want you to ask. As far as what will this bill accomplish, and how will it save our planet---it will accomplish nothing from an environmental, global warming standpoint, and it won't save our planet in any way, shape, or form.
We, the American people, will be tossing away more of our rights and liberties, and paying billions in taxes, for absolutely nothing.
To give you an idea; to affect the climate of this planet by one degree, humanity would need to reduce CO2 emissions by a trillion tons. The amount of CO2 that can be directly tied to humans that is released into the atmosphere each year is just under 30 billion tons. That means that humanity would need to stop all CO2 emissions, except for breathing, for the next 35 years to effect a single degree of change to the average climate.
That's one way to look at it. The other way the citizens of this country need to see Climate Change and Global Warming is for it's true nature and purpose; it's a total sham, and science has now debunked the possibility that mankind is responsible for increasing, or decreasing, the temperature of our planet. The purpose of the Climate Change movement is much more insidious, and as we work to peel back the layers of this onion I guarantee your toes will curl with anger over what is going on behind the scenes, out of the public eye, that is the real reason this bill is being pushed so frantically.
Watch the movie--it will give you a little in site into these things, and we will be exploring much more on this issue in the coming weeks as the countdown to Copenhagen ticks away.
Watch the movie--tell at least one person about it, or better yet--get somebody else you know to sit down and watch it themselves.
Our freedom, our very future, are at dire risk.
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