There are things coming to light in the political world. Things that people within the administration, within the White House, have not wanted you, the American people, to know about.
What ever you are doing right now, please stop for a moment---I promise you it will be worth the couple of minutes it takes to watch this quick video.
Click on the underlined link in this page
This link will take you to the website, and in the post below this one you will find another link in red that takes you to a video at watch this video.
I cannot emphasis the importance of watching this---it will absolutely change the way you look upon this president, and his agenda for our countries future. Now, before you dismiss the ideas presented by Lord Monckton, realize that this man is an extraordinary man with impeccable credentials---a voice that should be taken very seriously. Also, is the news entity which originally broke the recent Acorn scandal, and is considered to be one of the leading providers of actual news---true and real news.
This is not being presented to you by a tabloid paper, or by some wackos that would have you believe Bigfoot got a lady in West Virginia pregnant. These sources are the real deal--and the things they are presented should be taken very, very seriously.
I also want to give you a couple of other links that are important. &
Please sign up and have the form letter on these sites sent to your Congressmen and Senators--it takes just a moment to fill in, and they automatically send a wonderful form letter off in your behalf. You can edit the words if you like, but I've found the letter to express my thoughts on this issue very well.
Come out to this site, I'll be updating these matters very frequently and you need to stay up to date on these issues.
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