Cass Sunstein---possibly your next Regulatory Commissioner.
This man is anti 1st Amendment, anti 2nd Amendment, and also believes that your pet dog, or any other animal should have the rights and ability to retain a lawyer and sue you in a court of law.
This guy is a first class wacko, and he's about to have extreme power in our current administration. Call your Senator right now, do not wait, because the Democratic Party is about to try and slip the confirmation through today while all eyes are on the upcoming Healthcare Bill and the Presidential address to the joint session this evening.
Cass Sunstein is evil, pure evil. He believes that your money is not really yours. It's the governments, and they allow you to keep some of it but they have the sole right to limit your possessions and take as much of your earnings as they would like.
This man believes animals have property rights, and that humans have no stature above the rights of animals--therefore no special considerations should be taken into account for human life when it comes to animals property rights . . .
This man, if he is approved by the Senate, will attack your rights to free speech. He will attack your 2nd Amendment Rights on the grounds the Constitution is a lie and that the rights contained within that Amendment are meant only for the Federal Government.
Even many far left wing liberals have distanced themselves from this man because his views are so far out of bounds. Yet, he will have access to power and a mountain of cash, not to mention the access to control various regulatory means that will greatly effect your life and your future.
This man is crazy, his views are extreme and unsettling, and he doesn't belong anywhere near a government office---anywhere.
Call your Senator now---- (202) 224-3121. Do not wait. Call and encourage your Senator to vote against Cass Sunstein.
Footnote: There have been three separate Senate holds places upon the confirmation of this appointment. Harry Reid is going to try and sneak this through, and it can't be allowed to happen! Call Now
Check out this video---it is stunning.
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