If you have not been following the political news lately--or if you have been watching only the "news" provided by the mainstream media; CBS, ABC, and the reviled NBC, then you are missing out on many alarming issues that are coming to light which will greatly effect the political climate in our country--and could be a harbinger of things to come for the future of Barack Obama and his presidency.
How do you think the president feels today about the Freedom of Information Act?
If you don't know what I'm talking about I'll give you a quick rundown, and it will get your blood boiling. This act alone is very disturbing, but when you add it to the laundry list of scandals bubbling up that involves our president, and the people he has surrounded himself with, it becomes further proof that he is corrupt and does not have the best interest of this country, or it's citizens, as his main concern.
Yesterday, documents were released under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the recently passed Cap and Trade Bill, and the information contained in these documents is very damaging to the White House.
Cap and Trade--a horrible idea to begin with, and by the way it has been a complete and utter failure across Europe--was presented to Congress and the American public, as a bill that will cost the average family about $175 annually in new taxes.
Wrong . . .
Internal briefing memos that have been released now show the White House was fully aware of, and purposefully hid, the true cost of this horrendous bill. The actual cost per household in new, extra taxes???
That is the same as creating a new 15% tax increase on every household--per year.
The president is now caught in a huge lie--and a lie that was purposefully buried with the purpose of getting this bill passed.
Do you want to spend an extra two grand a year for services you already receive? And, one of the big concerns is that this current administration has a history of being wildly inaccurate with cost estimates--and not to the good side of the ledger. Nearly every project and bill instituted under this president has cost three times as much as they have projected--so the real cost could be well above the $1761.00 they are currently projecting.
Could it be as high as an extra $4000.00 per year for each household??
If you go by the pattern of misrepresentation and lack of understanding of real-world costs in other government programs, then the answer is yes.
This will be a story worth watching closely over the next few weeks. Will the White House respond to allegations of covering up the real cost to taxpayers? How much of this information was made available to the House of Representatives before voting Cap and Trade into law? Did the president knowingly misrepresent the facts and costs to everybody, including Congress, to get this bill passed?
We are being lied to--purposefully by this president. His motives need to be examined, and he needs to be held accountable, to the American people, for all of these sordid issues beginning to come to the forefront.
The cracks in the facade are now becoming fissures . . .
By the way----do not trust anything you see on the NBC, and all of her sister stations, with news of anything relating to the president or the truth. NBC is in the bag---but if you want an Obama bobblehead, it's the place to go.
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