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Friday, August 28, 2009

Your Food, Your Life

I'm undertaking a new project for this blog--testing survival foods.

Over the next several weeks I'll be testing the usability, taste, storablility, and best options for building your stores of food. This will include everything from canned items, prepackaged foods, mre's, camping packs, dehydrated items, and other options available for sustenance that can be used in an emergency situation.

I'm excited to get started, although my taste buds and stomach may later regret this little adventure. At the end, I hope to provide you with a list of options best suited for several different catastrophic scenarios, and also provide you with a list detailing what you would need--realistically--for different lengths of time.

I'll also be detailing the systems provided, and others available, created specifically for the purpose of preparing meals without the modern conveniences of a stove, running water, refrigeration, and the advantage of having specific kitchen implements available for use.

If you have any suggestions for food items, specific company branded products, or items you have used in the past you would like me to include, drop me a note in the comments below and I'll be happy to include them in my completely unscientific study.

Wish me luck . . . and pray for me to keep the stomach pumps away.

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