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Saturday, August 22, 2009

A Quick Post on Your Freedom--what's left of it.

I promised this post would be dedicated to providing you with specific recommendations for creating your defensive strategy, but I felt compelled to touch base with you on some of the things happening in the United States right now, at this very moment.

Your freedom, your liberty, and your future are under direct assault from this current president, his administration, and the policies they are pursuing. The details are enormous, and this blog isn't dedicated to examining politics directly, but I will comment from time to time when events dictate a response.

For anybody who believes that our country and our society are stable, and that political chaos and social collapse are only paranoid delusions, I simply ask you to take a look around you right now; look at the bill, HR 3247, passed yesterday by our elected officials in Washington. It is very scary stuff.

I want you to take a look at an organization named the Apollo Alliance; founded, incidentally, by an avowed Communist and the presidents current Green Jobs Tsar, Van Jones. Check out their website and see if they mission they believe sounds like anything coming out of Washington.

Know thy enemy.

Familiarize yourself with the enemies of freedom.

If you look around, at the direction this president is leading this country through his policies and radical ideas, and not realize the potential for a complete collapse of our country then I fear for you. Those in power are putting the pieces in place, and if you listen to the words they speak you'll realize they are not trying to hide the fact they want to steal your freedom and way of life.

It's coming . . . the storm is gathering on the horizon.

It's more imperative then ever that you begin to make your preparations. It's more important then ever that you begin to formulate a plan, gather resources, and make arrangements to provide for your life. Things are getting bad in this country due to the political climate, and we are just scratching the surface. Worse days are coming, and the fight for the future of this county and the ideals it was founded upon. Make no mistake, that day is nearly upon us.

Preparation is the Key.

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