I'm back--sorry again about the last post. Somehow I lost about half of that post, and I promise you it was by far the best part ;) . Hopefully I can remember the most riveting passages, and this one turns out okay--we'll see. Let's get to it.
So I ended; "Gun lover or not, you should have some type of firearm". Let's pick it up from right at that point.
A large percentage of the populace has moral issues with gun ownerships and firearms in general. Your beliefs are your own, and that's fine. What I would like to ask you to do for the next few minutes is set aside any
preconceived notions and beliefs you may have, and try to immerse yourself in
In a major event, by the seventh day most resources of food and water will be exhausted. Water Treatment facilities can operate for about five days without power. The water in the tank of your toilet, or filling your bathtub are great ideas, but even that isn't going to get you very far. By day seven most other supplies of water, unless a person planned specifically for this type of event, will also be exhausted. This is a problem.
If you've been through a typical winter storm in the Midwest, you've experienced a
forecasted winter storm or large snow event. Store shelves get wiped out quickly, with the basic staples like bread and water being snapped up like all people will be doing is sitting around making toast. In a national emergency, the
likelihood of retail food outlets operating after the first
forty-eight hour period is extremely unlikely, and grocery shelves will be emptied within the first twenty-four hours. With no supplies to restock, once the current inventories are gone that's it. There will be no other options other then the food you have stocked in your home pantries or in your survival kit.
Perishables will last for about two days, and without power
refrigerated and frozen items will be consumed first before they have a chance to spoil. How many people do you think keep a fully stocked pantry, with lots of extra canned goods, pastas, and other items that don't require the addition of some other perishable good to prepare? Look in your own pantry; is that three year old, dusty can of
lima beans you can't
remember purchasing enough to feed you for a day? Do you have any real items of
sustenance you can rely on? If you're like me, your pantry is filled with cream of mushroom soup, pie filling, tomato sauce, and a couple cans of corn--nothing adequate to sustain a single person, let alone a family, for longer then a few days.
So, ten days into the event, with no way to resupply and all other normal sources of obtaining food are no longer an option, what do you think is going to happen?
Food and water will become the most prized of commodities. Gold will not matter, money will be useless, and those bonds and
IRA's you hold will be junk--but food and water will by the most valuable asset in society. People starving or dying from thirst will harm or kill to keep themselves alive.
In breakdowns of society, as in the case of Katrina, we've witnessed the
phenomena of mob rule and pack mentality. Groups of people will band together to share resources and knowledge, with the hopes that larger numbers will increase the chance for survival. People will turn to violence--without hesitation, without regret, and without sympathy--when their
existence is jeopardized.
If you do have a moral
dilemma with firearms ask yourself this--will your morality and idealism protect your children when confronted with desperate, starving individuals attempting to take your supply of food and water as the only means they have to live? Are your moral beliefs more important then your families lives?
I contend the 2
nd Amendment of the Constitution is one of the most important ideas from the greatest political document ever written. That amendment insures your rights to keep and bear arms, and insure your ability to protect yourself. I also believe that the right to protect yourself, your family, your property and possessions, transcends any legislation written by man. This right is God given, or by whatever name you choose to call the greater power in the universe.
A firearm is a tool, just as a hammer or screwdriver, and in and of itself does not have the ability to inflict harm. If you were to set a handgun and a hammer side by side on a table, then leave them there for an extended period of time, when you returned they would still be sitting, unmoved, in the same position they were left. No harm would have come to anybody or anything because a gun, by itself, has no
ability to cause harm or injury. In fact, the hammer--a common tool found in every home--has the ability to create harm and death just as easily as a firearm; it all comes down to the intention of the person using that tool.
So, morally evil or not, a gun is simply a tool. And it's the tool best designed to keep you safe, secure, and alive in a time of crisis. Don't let any moral
dilemma compromise your personal safety, the safety of your loved ones, and your life.
There are many considerations when
choosing a firearm that need to be explored. Do you prefer a handgun or a long gun, or perhaps both? What caliber ammunition are you comfortable and confident using? How available is the ammunition for the weapon you choose? Is the firearm easy to breakdown and clean, easy to use, and offer the
safety features you prefer? What types of accessories are available, and which ones would increase your effectiveness with the weapon? In the event of a major
apocalyptic event, what's the
likelihood you'll be able to scrounge the
correct ammo? Will you be able to teach others to use the weapon?
These are just a few things you need to consider, and there are numerous options available for types, configurations, and features available in every
category of firearms. You also need to consider your budget--how much money do you have available, and what is the best use of your budget?
In the next post, I'll be delving into some specifics, some recommendations, and some of the key features of importance. Also, in a future post we'll examine some other types of weapons, thoughts on
fashioning your own weapons from readily available items, and give you some ideas on how to implement defense
strategy. But always remember that a firearm is the most useful and effective tool available for ensuring your personal defense.
A firearm is a tool, so please don't let any moral
dilemmas or issues prevent you from having the most effective means of protecting your life in case of disaster.
Preparation is the Key!